The Island of Fortune - Sri Lanka PART 2  

Posted by Peter Abdul Jegadeesh in

Part 2: The Endless Game of Ethnic Emotions

In my previous post [Part1: The Birth of Civil War] I had written about the Civil war in a nutshell. This episode would deal with the non stop loop of ethnic emotions and its painful outcomes.

I would like to state here the reason for not detailing the history of Sri Lanka, as that would indeed again arise a conflict of  "who where the first natives"?...Any answer to it would still add fuel! We ain't in a situation to find who was the first, rather we are in a situation to make both the Tamils and the Lankans dream together for a peaceful and ONE Sri Lanka.

What do the Tamils really need?. All they need is freedom and Equal rights. To have those, they need a separate country.

What do the Sri Lankans say? They cannot afford to separate Sri Lanka.

Both of them seem right on their standings. Then want created the commotion?

The SriLankan Government, who felt that their majority is suffering, came out with Laws that were inappropriate. The plan they had implemented failed to impress the Tamils, it instead created ethnic diversity among the people.

The Tamils who were minority, almost 18 percent, needed a separate country from a nation which has 70 percent of it as Sihalese. It is obvious that any nation would never dream to do so.

Both the Srilnakan Government and the Tamils were to be blamed. Now the question here is "who initiated violence?"., it inturn means "Who should be blamed for the Civil War?".

Lets assume its the Sri Lankan government who initiated. Lets take, the government initiated by killing 10 Tamils. In return the Tamils killed 20. The government in return kills 100. Again The Tamils kill 200. The government kills 500. The Tamils killed 1000! And so, it would go on till the Tamils stop their revolution and withdraw their request for a separate nation.

Now lets assume its the Tamils who initiated the violence.  Lets take, the Tamils initiated by killing 10 Sri Lankans. In return the Government killed 20. The Tamils in return killed 100. Again the government killed 200. The Tamils killed 500. The government killed 1000! And so, it would go on till the government accepts that they are guilty and gives the Tamils a separate nation.

Either of the above had happened. But it doesn't matter who started as whomever it may be, the bloodshed was unstoppable. The questions like, Who is the First native?, Who started?, Who had the maximum loss of lives?..would never stop this game of death, instead would further create another loop!

What can be done to stop this?

1. The Tamils who are minority [just 18% approx], should understand that they are asking to divide a nation which has 70% Srilankans. Which would hurt the Lankans so bad. Instead requesting for a separate country they should try to negotiate with the government to bring amendments in the law that would make both Tamils and Lankans happy and make them live together in harmony in one nation.

2. The Srilankan government being a majority, instead using it as an advantage and bringing on laws that affect the Tamils, they should negotiate with the Tamils, forming a team along with them and shaping new laws that would benefit both Tamils and Lankans and make them live together in harmony in one nation.

What about the ones who violated human rights, be it either the lankan army or the rebel groups? They should be brought in front of law and should be served the appropriate justice. That will happen for sure. Countries from the west have already indulged in that process along with the U.N. Soon justice will be served.

Now the one big question is who should initiate negotiation first. Either the country that follows Buddha should forgive the bitter past and initiate or the Tamils from the nation of  Mahathma should let go the bitter past and emotions and initiate to negotiate. The one who has more thirst for peace, shall begin and be quenched!

There might well be an opinion, that non-violence doesn't work quick, indeed it was tried by both the sides before and it never did work. Let it be! Violence cannot be a reason for the delay. A delayed freedom is far better than one achieved by violence and there is a nation as an example near by.

Let the pain, vengeance, violence, ethnic emotions, get buried deep under never to return again. Let the play of blood sheds close its curtains forever. Let my brothers breath the fresh air of peace and freedom, my beloved Sri lankans and Tamils.

I am seeing a new Srilanka, the nation of Buddha!  [To be continued...]

--------------------------------------------------End of Part 2----------------------------------------------------

The Island of Fortune - SriLanka  

Posted by Peter Abdul Jegadeesh in

                                                              Part 1:   The Birth of Civil War

80,000-100,000 Deaths -  The deaths include 27,639 Tamil fighters, more than 21,066 Sri Lankan soldiers, 1000 SriLankan police, 1500 Indian soldiers, and tens of thousands of civilians. May it be Singhalese or Tamil, they are Humans!

The above is a result of the civil war in Sri Lanka, fought for the past 25 years. Finally it has come to an end with a real SAD note!. For those who are unaware about the civil war and its origin, and for those who had so far heard the different ethnic versions (supporting one of the groups). I would like to brief it in a nutshell rather than detailing the whole story, with a neutral view.(supporting Humanity). 

Sri Lanka is a country bearing three ethnic groups that are found in majority, The Sinhalese( Who speak Sinhala), The Sri Lankan Tamil (Who speak Tamil but belong to Srilanka), and the Indian Tamil (Who came from India for various reasons and speak Tamil). The Sinhalese are the majority constituting 74% of the Sri Lankan population while 12.6 percent are Sri Lankan Tamils and 5.5 percent are Indian Tamils.

Sri Lanka was under the British rule till 1948. After the political independence granted by the British after peaceful negotiations, disagreements between the Sinhalese and Tamil ethnic communities flared up when drawing up the country's first post-independence constitution. It was the seed for the Civil war.

The problem was that, the Tamils who where the minority, occupied most of the government jobs. Percentage of educated Tamils where more, specifically with the knowledge in English, as during the British rule most of the Sinhalese where from rural areas and had no access to the urban areas like the Tamils had. Tamils outnumbered the majority Sinhalese drastically in all areas, education, economy, employment and more. This created a worry among the Sinhalese, and the government was under an immense pressure to handle this issue. Instead of designing a long term plan, the then government had messed up due to the pressure. The Government announced Sihala as the national language. Their true intention was to increase the percentage of Sinhalese in government job and in universities, having in mind that, by the time the Tamils learn Sinhala, the opportunities for both the group would be made even. Their intention was indeed rite but the solution they implemented could have been better. This created hatred among the ethnic groups. The Tamils believed that that decision was to suppress their ethnic group and get them out of Sri Lanka. This was further fueled by the then politicians who where always in a desire to get a separate country for Tamils, which would make them enjoy free powers. The people where unaware about all these and so a strong conflict between the ethnic groups began. The Tamils started fighting for a separate nation.This in-turn gave birth to revolutionary groups who started to fight for the Tamils. One of the major rebel group formed was the LTTE.

Then came another decision by the government, to fix high marks for the Tamils, compared to the Sinhalese to qualify for the universities to further their education. This again was with the intention to increase the percentage of the Sinhalese in universities who where drastically overtaken by the minority Tamils and moreover many Sinhalese who where in the rural areas had a better chance of getting seats in university. What else is required more than this! The Tamils rose to the peak of their emotions, well kindled and inflamed by the greedy politicians. The Rebel groups grew stronger and the revolution took more pace and intensity, seeking a separate nation for Tamils. The Civil War took its violent form.

Instead of peaceful negotiations, both the government and the Rebel groups opted for Non-violence. The civil war began with exchange of bullets and gifting of corpses. When questioned who began that, Each would blame the other! Like the question of, which came into existence first egg or the Hen?. It would never have an answer. May it be any one, who had begun that, one belonged to a nation that follows Buddha and the other follows Gandhiji. Had either one of them had really followed it, such thing would never have begun or would have been stopped in no time. But both failed.

Neither of them can be supported for their act, may it be the Government or the rebel groups that fought on behalf of the Tamils. Those who were killed where humans, may them be of any ethnic race!. The government should have opted for different plans or the Tamils should have understood the real scenario, rather than acting with ethnic emotions kindled by the greedy and insensible politicians.

The civil war that had began then, prevailed for almost 25 years resulting in a heavy loss of human life. Both, the Government and the rebel groups were reported to have violated human rights during the civil war all these years.

To make it simple, lets assume there are 80 pigeons and 20 sparrows but the number of grains available is just 20. What would happen if 10 grains are occupied by 10 sparrows and the rest 10 is to be shared by 80 pigeons. Hope you get the logic! What else is required to create a cloud of commotion and conflict! Being birds it can end up in any way. But Being a human, with six senses, there should have been a mutual understanding and equal sharing, which would have ended in harmony. But Nah!! The tale was so bad, with its pages filled with blood and scriptures of human right violations allover.

Me who belongs to the Tamil ethnic group might now be called as "Traitor" for not supporting my own ethnic group. May it be, as the ones who name me so, are my brothers too!. The one race I belong to, is Humanity, and would thrive for its peace and harmony at any cause. The SriLankans who were killed in Anuradhapura Massacre were my brothers and the Tamil's who where assaulted in Kumudini Boat Massacre in return, where my sisters. They where all the same. They all had the same pain while killed. The soil that bears their blood still smells the same. [ Continues] 

------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Part 1---------------------------------------------------------

Mr.Anders Behring Breivik and his "Mission Massacre" in Norway  

Posted by Peter Abdul Jegadeesh in

Hi All,

With a Hearty thanks for your visit and a humble request for a continued support, I hereby start inking my thoughts and opinions. 

Mr.Anders Behring Breivik and his "Mission Massacre" in Norway 

To begin with, let me give you all a clear picture of "Mr.Anders Behring Breivik and his mission". Below are a few from Mr.Anders Behring Breivik’s 1,500-page manifesto, posted online just hours before a rampage that killed at least 93 people at Norway:

“As we all know, the root of Europe’s problems is the lack of cultural self-confidence (nationalism). Most people are still terrified of nationalistic political doctrines thinking that if we ever embrace these principles again, new “Hitlers” will suddenly pop up and initiate global Armageddon . . . This irrational fear of nationalistic doctrines is preventing us from stopping our own national/cultural suicide as the Islamic colonisation is increasing annually.”

“I don’t hate Muslims at all. I acknowledge that there are magnificent Muslim individuals in Europe. In fact, I have had several Muslim friends over the years, some of which I still respect. This does not mean however that I will accept an Islamic presence in Europe. Muslim individuals who do not assimilate 100% within 2020 will be deported as soon as we manage to seize power.”

“Although I do admit that I am disgusted by the current development, I would rather say I’m driven by my love for Europe, European culture and all Europeans. This does not mean that I oppose diversity. But appreciating diversity does not mean that you support genocide of your own culture and people.”

“A Justiciar Knight is not only a valorous resistance fighter, a one man army; he is a one man marketing agency as well. We are selling the promise of a better future for our people and our children. Resistance fighters are in many ways sales representatives.”

“When we blow up a building full of category A and B traitors it is not only for the purpose of killing. An important part of the operation is to force awareness of our movement and our ideology. The ideology we represent is the product we want to sell to the European peoples.”

Reading the above we could clearly get that Mr.Anders Behring Breivik has a immense love towards his country and it's sovereignty. He wanted his culture not to be polluted. To have that achieved he has done the same, what is done all over the world, named as " Domestic Terrorism". He believed that killing a mass would send a strong message and he did so. A country would never like a term "Domestic Terrorist", and so he has been named a "Mad man".

He needed his country to be clean from immigrants, from other culture. So, that means he had a strong feeling that he is an European. He loved to be so and he was proud to be so. When something he loved is subject to change and is feared to dissolve in years, he had a strong emotion towards it. He wanted it to last forever. His emotional state has been inflamed and when looking for a solution, he was misguided. Finally he had acted with all his emotion with an inappropriate guidance. That lead to "Terrorism".   

Now, lets keep "his act of killing" aside. I mean his action. We all know it is not appreciated any where in the world and it is against humanity. Lets take his intention. His intention behind the act of terrorism. The feeling that ---I am " THIS"---, the "THIS" can be anything, I am a Christian, I am a Muslim, I am a Jew, I am a Hindu,I am an American, I am an English, I am French, I am an Indian, I am a White, I am a Black, I am a " This" ...I am "THAT"....Whatever. Every one of us have one of those. When we have that as an identity it isn't a trouble, but when it turns to Love, when it turns to Passion, when it turns to Emotion, when it turns to Ego, things change drastically. Comparison begins, competition arises, Ego builds, Separation blooms, and ends in a SAD note!. Are we clean enough to blame Mr.Anders Behring Breivik's thoughts[not his actions]. Ain't there something filled in our " I am "this". Don't we have emotions towards it. Most of us, though not acting like Mr.Anders Behring Breivik, for sure we have an emotion when the "THIS" is hurt, it might be our religion, ethnicity, caste, nationality. language, whatever. Rather than acting like Mr.Anders Behring Breivik, we talk, we think, we discuss, we gather, we write and do all, because there isn't any rule that could punish those. Think well, why not Mr.Anders Behring Breivik, once was one among us, who did the same as we. The difference was that he was one among those who where extreme, who wanted solutions that are tangible. We are the ones who have it as a part of our life, whereas it is the life and breath for those who are extreme, like Mr.Anders Behring Breivik had. Many of us had grown interest and accumulated people like those by sharing our thoughts and opinions. We might haven't been aware of such accumulation. When return to our daily life, they don't. They stick to it. They live in it. We never bother about them later, as we have thousand and one things to do. The ones who stick to it with extreme emotions first had been one among us, but the result they required never seemed to be in vision and so they sought a better guidance, a guidance that would be effective, one that would bring result and thus received " A PERFECT MISGUIDANCE", which ended in those acting extreme, giving birth to "Terrorism", may it be domestic or international.

Now, it is true that we where a part of the ACT by adding a small spec to the intention behind it,as no act can be without intention, but in a size and effort of an ant. Yes it is and it was. An effort of an ant is small, it is true, and as well it is true that a collective act of millions of ants is EFFECTIVE! 

Soon Mr.Anders Behring Breivik will be hanged or shot or electricuted to death, well that is indeed justice! But what for us? The ones who where hidden participants behind the intention of such an ACT. There isn't any court or law that could provide justice other than the one thing, the "Humanity" in us.  

The "Human" in us, the thought that Mr.Anders Behring Breivik is a "human" and I am "Human" and we all are. The only "THiS" that can bring harmony. 


The "human" Law in me had sentenced, to burn my "THIS" and replace it with "Human" forever, as a punishment that I serve along with Mr.Anders Behring Breivik.

I bow to it. And how about you my beloved HUMANS!!


With Love,


Mr.Anders Behring Breivik